Demographic Overview of District Amroha
Total population of Amroha is 18,40,221 as per provisional estimates of 2011 census. Number of males and females are 963,449 and 876,772 respectively with a sex ratio of 906. Percentage decadal growth rate between years 2001 – 2011 was estimated as 22.66% which is approx.1.5% higher than average growth rate of UP which is 20.09%. Population density was calculated as 818 which is lower than UP’s average. Child population of Amroha between age group 0-6 years is 300,231 with the sex ratio of 903 that is more than to UP’s average 899. The compound literacy rate of Amroha is 65.7%. Male literacy rate (66.73%) is dramatically high than females (57.61%).
Population Breakdown of District Amroha( Census 2011)
Population of cities and towns in district Amroha (Census 2011)
Amroha City
Literates out of total 1,98,471
Naugawan saadat
Literates out of total 32,954
Literates out of total 61,243
Literates out of total 30,007
Literates out of total 55,048
This gives it a ranking of 258th in India (out of a total of 640).The district has a population density of 818 inhabitants per square kilometre (2,120/sq mi). Its population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 22.66%. Amroha has a sex ratio of 907 females for every 1,000 males, and a literacy rate of 65.7%.
At the time of the 2011 Census of India, 80.10% of the population of the district spoke Hindi and 19.70% Urdu as their first language.
Year | Population | Per annum increase/decrease |
1901 | 328,739 | — |
1911 | 348,293 | +0.58% |
1921 | 330,488 | −0.52% |
1931 | 354,024 | +0.69% |
1941 | 406,143 | +1.38% |
1951 | 457,922 | +1.21% |
1961 | 550,228 | +1.85% |
1971 | 681,551 | +2.16% |
1981 | 891,539 | +2.72% |
1991 | 1,155,742 | +2.63% |
2001 | 1,499,068 | +2.64% |
2011 | 1,840,221 | +2.07% |
Children(0-6) in cities and towns
Total children (0-6) in Amroha city are 28,323 as per figure from Census India report on 2011. There were 14,528 boys while 13,795 are girls. The child forms 14.27 % of total population of Amroha City.
This data is as per census 2011. As our government conduct census once a decade, the next census will be held in 2021.